NEW SONG: I Am Legend
I am Legend
Ten years ago the music label “das drehmoment records” released the vinyl-EP “Aura” of my project „Suicide Booth“.
One of my favorites of it is “I am Legend”.
Aha, you might say – I know this title! It was a movie with Will Smith, wasn’t it?- You’re damn right!
In 2007 this zombie movie with Will Smith came out. Smith is playing a virologist who has survived after a virus disaster and the following elimination of humanity amongst only a few survivors. Zombie-like creatures are walking abroad in Manhattan of 2012.
Certainly I was rather textually inspired by the primary film adaption from the 1964’s “The Last Man on Earth” starring Vincent Price. You can call this movie “the” original conception of a zombie film. Because of that fact the original title of my song was actually “The Last Man on Earth”.
You can hear it in the hookline because it refers to the primary title.
It was a perplexing coincident that this movie came just out when we were about to release the record and that shows the strangeness of life.
We called the song like the new film version “I am Legend” (as the original book from Richard Matheson does, too).
So I decided to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the song by reworking and remixing the tracks.
I recorded new leadvocals, created a new sound for the hookline in the chorus and worked extensively on the sound.
I created four different versions:
This is the "original" from 2007 with new vocals and enhanced sound
the "2017 Version - RADIO edit"
the "2017 Version - Extended"
Have a listen.
And here you got the lyrics:
By night they leave their graves
Begging for his blood
Mysterious immunity
Survivor of the plague
Crawling and shambling through the dark and empty streets
He is all alone now...or so it seems
Live among the lifeless.
Live among the dead
He’s Spending all his lonely life
Impeding them away
Raving and drooling through the dark and empty streets
Forcing to recruit him: The army of the night
The last man on earth
His fear began when he woke up alone.
The diseases of the war
Killed nearly everyone
Fighting to inherit what is left on earth!
Believing science and technology to be the root
The last man on earth